Blogger Bundle Volume I: Dear Author Selects Unusual Heroines Page 11
Source: Hope, Paco “Facts About Men”
PLEASED WITH HERSELF, and even more pleased with the man on top of her, Jessica smiled slowly, watching him watching her. He clearly liked what he saw, finding wonder in whatever his gaze caught, as if each square inch held new delightful surprises. It made her feel beautiful and desirable and it stirred the pit of her stomach, no, lower.
She ran her hand down the length of his arm from shoulder to wrist, softly caressing, pleased with the suggestion of corded muscle and the silky softness of hair. When she paused, she tried to circle his wrist with her thumb and index finger, but she couldn’t. She stared at him all the while, noticing a tiny twitch of his right eye, the way his nostrils flared, and his white teeth, not perfectly even, but made endearing by slight imperfections. It was as if her vision had gone far beyond the traditional twenty-twenty into a new kind of sight. Not just because they were so close to one another, but because a veil of ordinariness had been lifted. She could read him like a book, his need, his tension, his excitement and his pleasure. More than simply observing, she was empathically connected to him, feeling the very things she witnessed on his face. She wanted him inside her, to make the connection stronger still. Something way beyond the five senses was at work here, and the closer they become the stronger it would become.
She shifted beneath him, him so still and watchful, and she lifted his large wrist, moving his hand to the lower regions of her stomach. His eyes widened, dilated so that there was only a thin circle of hazel left.
He leaned forward, near enough that their breath mingled, but she didn’t close her eyes. Enraptured by his face, his scent, she met his gaze only inches away from her own. She expected a kiss, but instead, he licked her lower lip with his tongue, like a mother cat to her kitten. His hand inched downward, underneath her panties, until she felt him in her thatch of curls, and then, his fingers touched the upper folds.
He moaned very deep in his throat, using his talented tongue to taste her upper lip as he dipped inside her.
She closed her eyes, not because she wanted to but because the sensations were too strong. Her poor little brain couldn’t process so many stimuli at once, so feeling won out over sight.
Her legs parted farther and he explored the soft, wet flesh between, inching down with the pads of his fingers, gently stroking as if she was skittish and he needed to calm her.
She didn’t want to be calmed. When he plunged inside her using two fingers, she moved those last inches that separated their mouths, kissing him hard, sucking his tongue as if it would save her.
He moaned again, and she felt the vibration in her lips, her chest. She bucked against him, forcing his fingers deeper.
He pulled back, both finger and tongue, leaving her, she prayed not for long.
He got to his knees, straddling her. She wriggled a bit and got a smile in response.
A tearing sound distracted her and she looked down to see him pull a rolled condom out of a silver packet. She watched, engrossed, as he unrolled it over his thick flesh. Then his hands moved to her hips where he grasped her panties and pulled them slowly down.
He ran into a snag where his legs and hers touched. Instead of moving, he grasped one edge of her bikini panties in both hands and tore them apart. The sound, the rip, louder than their breaths combined. He looked exceedingly pleased with himself as he dropped the ruined material. Patiently, slowly, he lifted one knee and moved it inside the V of her legs. Then he moved the other until she bracketed him. But it was clear his hold was superior as he pushed her knees apart, wider and wider until he was satisfied. His gaze wandered down from her face to her chest to the view he’d just created. His breath quickened, his chest expanding and contracting like a runner’s, his lips parted, his hands fisted at his sides, then opened with effort.
She felt exposed, more naked than naked as he looked at her with his raw hunger, and she wanted him to enter her, to take her now.
Just as she opened her mouth to beg, he leaned down and braced himself with corded arms on either side of her. He shifted his weight to the left as he used his right hand for guidance.
As she felt the tip of him touch her lips, he whispered, “Jess,” forcing her gaze to meet his.
The connection was electric and wondrous as he slid into her wet folds inch by slow inch, filling her with his body, becoming something greater than him and her.
Both arms now flexed on either side of her as he balanced on hands and knees. The tension in his body was like a bowstring, bunching tighter and tighter, even the cords in his neck. He stared at her, his intensity making her tremble as he thrust in, pulled out, thrust in again. She grasped the comforter in both fists, pulling the material up from the bed. Her hips rose to meet his challenge, and they found a feral rhythm that linked bodies and heartbeats.
There were no words for the feel of him inside her, only grunts and moans, primal and exotic.
Dan’s eyes closed as his thrusts quickened, and her body responded in kind. It was coming, the coil of tension deep in her body like a spring pulled taut. Her mouth opened and she heard her own high keen as if from someone else, someone far away, and then the sound changed and it was her again, as the last bit of tension snapped with an orgasm that started between her legs and spread like a raging fire throughout her body.
He grimaced, arching his neck, his head thrown back with a roar. One final thrust, so fierce she was pushed up the bed, and then he froze, straining, and she trembled as another wave of pleasure burst inside her.
The room darkened around her, her vision narrowing to the circle of his face, still strained to the edges of endurance, his lips curled back, his chin jutting out, his Adam’s apple too large in his throat.
A moment passed, another spasm racked her, and then she felt her hands and her hips, felt the air in her lungs, heard him take a ragged breath as he relaxed.
He looked down and gave her a slow smile. “Holy shit.”
“I concur,” she said, surprised her voice sounded so normal.
“So it wasn’t just me?”
She shook her head. “Nope.”
His smile broadened. “Cool.”
Raising her hand, she brushed back his hair from his forehead, enjoying the silky texture between her fingers. “Does that blow your whole project?”
“Project? Oh, yeah. No. Not at all. I’m thinking it’s a good thing.”
“Uh-huh.” His smile faded. “I don’t want to but I have to.”
He slipped out of her and rolled to her side. For a moment, her gaze rested on the rise and fall of his chest, then she looked up. “How is it a good thing?”
“For one thing, I can maybe think a little more clearly.”
“How so?”
“Wanting you was kinda filling up all the synapses.”
“I see.”
“And also, I’m thinking we’ve shared something pretty damn intimate, so that it’ll be easier for you to answer my questions.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
“You don’t think this was intimate?”
She gave him her “Well, duh” look. “I’m not sure what this new level of intimacy will do. What if I’m shier?”
Having quieted his breathing, he rolled over on his side, holding his head up with one hand. “Let’s test it. What’s the most wicked fantasy you’ve ever had?”
“I thought we’d covered fantasies.”
“Nope. Barely scratched the surface.”
“Come on. I’m looking for the filthiest, most disgusting thoughts you’ve ever had. The one that would get you arrested in every state but California.”
She laughed. “Like I’d tell you.”
His mouth widened in mock dismay. “You promised! You gave me your word.”
“Some things a
re better left a mystery.”
“No way. Uh-uh. I can’t believe you’re wimping out on me like this. I thought I knew you, but clearly, I was sadly mistaken.” He let his head drop to the arc of his elbow. “After I’ve given you the best days of my life.”
“Oh, please.”
“No, no. Don’t try to make it up to me. The tie between us has been broken irrevocably.” He put his fist on his chest. “I’m wounded to the core.”
“All right, tell you what. You tell me your most disgusting fantasy, and then I’ll tell you mine.”
His head was up in a second, resting once again on his hand. “Really?”
“You are nothing but a scoundrel, that’s all.”
“True, but an earnest one.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Answer me this. Even if you do tell me something vile and disgraceful, how will I know it’s the worst you’ve got? Maybe you have a whole trove of disgusting things, and you’re telling me some old run-of-the-mill horrifying perversion.”
“Have I ever lied to you?”
“I have no idea.”
“The answer is no. I have never. And I will never.”
“So you say.”
“Maybe this is just your way of chickening out?”
“Maybe it is.”
“No fair.”
“Ah, Danny boy, I hate to have to tell you, but no one said life was fair.”
He got that shocked look again. “What? Say it ain’t so.”
“I hate that.”
“Me, too.”
He looked at her for a long minute. “You know what? We’re going to have to postpone this chitchat for a minute. You wait right there. Don’t go anywhere.”
She crossed her heart. “Promise.”
He climbed off the bed and headed for the bathroom while she shamelessly stared at his cute butt. When he was out of range, she let her head fall back on the pillow and closed her eyes.
It was without doubt the best sex she’d ever had. By a lot. There had been moments…Incredible. But also scary.
When he’d pulled away, she’d felt as if she’d lost some part of herself. Surely that wasn’t normal for casual sex. Always before, even with men she’d really liked, there had been a slight feeling of relief when it was over. She’d never been the cuddling kind, and had been accused of being like a guy when it came to this sort of thing. That’s why she didn’t bring men home. Because she needed to make a quick getaway. But with Dan, all she’d wanted was to stay close. She wouldn’t have objected to a cuddle here and there. Weird. Dangerous.
Her gaze moved to the door. The most worrying thing about him wasn’t this, although it came close, but the fact that try as she might, she couldn’t find anything wrong with him. No one was perfect. No one she’d ever met was near perfect. So what was his flaw? Did he hide behind his research? Was he commitment phobic? Did his relationships really end because they weren’t meant to be, or did he change when he fell in love?
It was something to think about. Not that it mattered all that much, because there was no way in hell she was going to get involved with him, but still. It was a puzzle. Perhaps, if it were another time in her life, she’d want to get to the bottom of it. As it was, she’d better keep a clear head. Sex was sex. Even great sex. Not one thing more.
She sat up, looked at the torn Victoria’s Secret panties bunched around one leg. Pulling them free, she tossed them into the wastebasket as she went to the closet and got her robe. It was late. She’d better get to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.
DAN RAN HIS HAND through his hair, anxious to get back to Jessica, whether it was for talk or something more personal, although the discussion so far had certainly piqued his interest. He couldn’t get over what had just happened. Jesus, it was the most intense encounter he could ever remember. Maybe it was the extended days of foreplay, but he doubted it. Something was happening between them, although he wasn’t about to try to define it. What was needed here was further investigation. Some hands-on research. His favorite kind. He hadn’t lied when he said this was a good thing. With Jessica, the exploration into her psyche, her sexuality, her modus operandi, would certainly be illuminating. Revelatory. Fascinating. He couldn’t wait to dig in, and not simply with questions about her fantasy life, but her motivations, her perspective on the male of the species, the why and wherefore of her very being.
To know someone that well would, he felt sure, be life-changing. He’d known some women pretty well, Tamara and Kathleen to be sure, and yet neither of them had spurred this level of interest. By some wild fluke of fate, he’d been given access to someone who not only stirred him intellectually, but emotionally and physically as well. It was like discovering Tutankhamen, a perfect, untouched cache of incalculable worth, ready to be examined piece by piece, treasure by treasure.
He crossed the dark living room, his pace quickening as he neared the bedroom. Only, when he got to the door, he saw the empty bed. A flash of blue caught his eye and he turned to find Jessica standing by the closet, her kimono belted tightly at her waist, her arms crossed over her chest. The vibrant open woman he’d left on the bed had disappeared, replaced by someone he didn’t know. Closed, reticent, distant. What in hell had happened in those few minutes he’d been away?
She smiled, but there was no pleasure in her eyes, only wariness.
“What’s going on?”
“I saw what time it was. I’m not going to have many nights where I can get a good night’s sleep, so I’d better take advantage of it.”
Even her voice sounded unfamiliar. He felt naked and vulnerable standing in front of her, so he went to the pile of his clothes he’d so mindlessly tossed at the edge of the bed. He pulled on his pants before he turned to her, using the time to put together his thoughts, pushing his anger back so he could try to understand this strange twist.
When he faced her again, it dawned on him that she’d felt the same astonishment he had, and this was her way of dealing with it. Of course.
“What’s that look?” she asked.
“Nothing. I’m thinking you’re right. That you should get your rest.”
Her shoulders relaxed. “Not that I didn’t enjoy—”
“I know. Me, too. You’re amazing. But the priority is the campaign, and I’m here to help. So why don’t you go do whatever voodoo you do in the bathroom, and we’ll call it a night.”
“Oh, okay.” Her smile wavered, and for a moment he thought she was back, but then she straightened, avoided his gaze. “Thanks.”
“No sweat.”
She walked past him, not too closely. And then she was gone.
More disappointed than he cared to admit, he got his shirt, shoes, socks and headed for the living room. His gaze moved to the closed bathroom door. He tossed his clothes to the floor beside the couch and threw the pillows on top of them. He yanked the bed out so roughly the whole couch moved, but he didn’t give a damn.
Okay, he’d let her off the hook. She was scared. He got it. His mother would be proud. So why was he so pissed off?
He’d been cheated. Even though he saw the reason, saw the fear in Jessica’s body language, it didn’t matter. He’d been happier than he could remember just ten minutes ago, excited as a kid with a brand-new bike.
Which had just been taken away.
He got undressed again, waited a moment to see if she would come out of the bathroom, and maybe…But the clock kept ticking, and soon he wasn’t particularly interested in whether she came out or not.
He crawled under the sheets and beat his pillow into submission. He heard the bathroom door open, saw the light behind his eyelids dim as she flipped the switch, heard the soft footpads as she crossed the carpet to her bedroom. Even though she tried to keep it quiet, he could hear the click of her door as she shut him out.
Sleep didn’t come for a long, long time.
In arguments a woman has the last word. Anything a man says a
fter that is the beginning of a new argument.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A husband doesn’t worry about the future until he gets a wife.
A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone and read a book. A man will get dressed up for weddings and funerals.
Source: Orton, Joe “Men and Women Compared”
JESSICA STARED at the ceiling, more precisely at the dark area above her bed. For all her protests that she needed a good night’s sleep, she certainly wasn’t getting one. The last time she’d looked at the clock, it had been two-fifteen. She kept closing her eyes, doing relaxation exercises, but her thoughts kept returning to Dan and how she’d left things.
She could tell he was angry. Not that she blamed him. Talk about doing a one-eighty. The poor guy hadn’t had a lick of warning. On the other hand, it was probably best that she’d nipped their little boink-fest in the bud. It didn’t feel best, but that’s only because it had been such a long time since she’d made love. So long, in fact, that she’d forgotten how much she liked it. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn making love with Dan was a whole different experience than anything she’d done before, but that was silly. The conversation at dinner, the suite, the atmosphere, all had conspired to transform the night into something magical. And face it, she really did like Dan. He was a terrific guy, and had it been a different time in her life…
Blah, blah, blah. She turned over and punched her pillow. It didn’t help. Even she couldn’t believe her own excuses. She liked the guy. She’d loved making love with him. She wanted more. Was it really possible to have Dan and her career? Could she have missed something along the way that would indicate she’d been all wrong?
She tried to think of one person, one woman who’d had a satisfying love life in combination with a powerhouse career. Nothing off the top of her head, and when she finally did think of someone, an ad exec she’d met at a Woman in Marketing meeting, she remembered Estelle and her significant other lived in separate cities, her in New York, him in Los Angeles. Maybe that was the key—distance. Maybe she could set that up with Dan. If not actual distance, perhaps they could make a deal not to see each other but once every few months.